Seminar: Experimental Methods in Nuclear and Particle Physics (160420) 23/24


Course id:   160420
Credit points: 2
Date    Time Room
Tuesday 10:15 – 11:45 NB 2/158
Friday 9:00 – 10:30 NB 2/158


  Seminarleiter: Prof. Dr. U. Wiedner


Tuesday 17.10.23 10:00 c.t. Distribution of the talks



Date Title Speaker
Di 17.10.23 Vorbesprechung
Tu 30.01.24 Neutrinos: Majorana, Dirac etc. Parshu Khadka


Seminar: Detectors for Particle Physics (160421) 23/24


Course id:   160421
Credit points: 2
Date    Time Room
Tuesday 10:15 – 11:45 NB 2/158
Friday 9:00 – 10:30 NB 2/158


Seminarleiter: Prof. Dr. U. Wiedner, Prof. Dr. F.-H. Heinsius


Tuesday 17.10.23 10:00 c.t. Distribution of the talks


Date Title Speaker
Di 17.10.23 Vorbesprechung
Fr. 24.11.23 The LUXE experiment Antonios Athanassiadis (DESY)
Tu 9.1.24 Accelerator neutrinos: T2K, NOvA and DUNE, Hyperkamiokande Sharaf Mirza
Tu 16.1.24 Reactor neutrinos: KamLand, DoubleChooz, DayaBay and JUNO Rushit Ukani
Tu 23.1.24 Atmospheric neutrinos: Kamiokande, Antares, IceCube Henry van der Smagt