Crystal Barrel Notes

A Complete list of all Crystal Barrel Notes

  1. (11.10.85) E.Aker, et al. ,
    Crystal Barrel: Meson Spectroscopy at LEAR with a 4-pi Neutral and Charged Detector.
  2. (04.85) M. Halling,
    Liquid Xenon Detector.
  3. (04.85) S. Playfer,
    Central Detector
  4. (04.85) M. Suffret,
    CsI Tests.
  5. (04.85) W. Rortbach,
    Crystal Design.
  6. (04.85) S. Playfer,
    Visit to Cornell.
  7. (05.85) S. Playfer,
    Central Detector.
  8. (05.85) W. Rohrbach,
    Crystal Design.
  9. (05.85) S. Playfer,
    To be done on a central detector.
  10. (05.85) U. Straumann,
    Digitizing CsI and fast trigger.
  11. (05.85) S. Playfer,
    Charged particle detection.
  12. (05.85) M. Mandelkern,
    CBC chamber design.
  13. (06.85) E. Klempt,
    Collider Option.
  14. (06.85) M. Mandelkern,
    Further comments on drift chamber.
  15. (06.85) C. Amsler,
    Vertex from Neutral Events.
  16. (06.85) C. Amsler,
    p-bar-p –> 2pi-zero, 2eta.
  17. (07.85) N. Gee,
    EGS Simulation.
  18. (07.85).
    Group meeting transparencies.
  19. (06.85) W. Rohrbach,
    PLUTO + cryostat.
  20. (07.85) C. Amsler,
    Some performances of the SLAC ball.
  21. (09.85) D. Bugg,
    Is the O a glueball.
  22. (09.85) P. Birien,
    DM1 and CB.
  23. (09.85) S. Playfer,
    Detection of hybrid mesons.
  24. (10.85) U. Straumann,
    Crystal Barrel Readout Electronics.
  25. (10.85) C. Amsler,
    Spin parity Analysis.
  26. (12.85) J. Kirkby,
  27. (12.85) C. Amsler,
    Off-line CB Analysis.
  28. (12.85) G. Hall,
    >CB support for Crystals.
  29. (01.86) C. Amsler,
  30. (02.86) C. Amsler, et al.,
    SC tests.
  31. (02.86) C. Amsler,
    Space charge effects in JDC.
  32. (02.86) H. Kalinowsky,
    Readout for JDC.
  33. (03.86) C. Amsler,
    Comparison OBELIX-Crystal Barrel.
  34. (10.85) M. Mandelkern,
    Choice of Chamber Parameters.
  35. (02.86) S. Playfer,
    Report on status of JDC design.
  36. (03.86) H. Koch,
    Additional Considerations to CB/OX.
  37. (03.86) C. Amsler,
    Reconstruction of fast pi’s.
  38. (04.86) W. Rohrbach,
    L3 BGO Support.
  39. (04.86) C. Amsler,
    Trigger and readout for CsI.
  40. (06.86) M. Faessler,
    High Pressure Target.
  41. (06.86) K. Braune,
    Fast Cluster Encoder (+ Addendum).
  42. (06.86) M. Guekes,
    Geant CB simulation.
  43. (06.86) T. Henkes,
    e/pi Separation.
  44. (07.86) W. Schott,
    Hi or Lo?.
  45. (08.86) W. Schott,
    14 or 16 RL.
  46. (08.86) W. Rohrbach,
    Wave length shifters.
  47. (08.86) D. Walther,
    Preamp and amp for CB (MPI).
  48. (08.86) M. Kunze,
    14 RL & 12 wires vs. 16 RL & 24 wires.
  49. (08.86) D. Walther,
    Shielded Twisted Pair Cables.
  50. (09.86) M. Suffert,
    Uniformity of CsI Crystals.
  51. (09.86) A. Williams,
    Source Calibration.
  52. (10.86) W. Schott,
    Monte Carlo studies on CsI Calorimeter.
  53. (02.86) K. Schumer,
    Statistische Berechnungen.
  54. (08.86) W. Rohrbach,
    CFK socks for CsI crystals, visit to Brochier.
  55. (10.86) W. Rohrbach,
    Compartments of CsI crystals for test sector.
  56. (11.86) C.A. Meyer,
    Status of the CB JDC.
  57. (11.86) C. Amsler,
    Tentative schedule for CB exp..
  58. (12.86) T. Henkes,
    Simulation of electromagnetic and hadronic showers.
  59. (01.87) K. Esslinger and B. Schmid,
    CsI amplifier specifications.
  60. (20.01.87) M. Kunze,
    ECL Bus Data Readout, Cluster Finding.
  61. (20.1.87) M. Kunze,
    EDE – The ECL bus data encoder.
  62. (23.01.87) W. Schott,
    Proposal for the numbering of the CB.
  63. (24.02.87) C. Weddigen,
    Berechnung von Ti-Tueten fur CB.
  64. (26.03.87) W. Rohrbach,
  65. (10.04.87) H. Kalinowsky,
  66. (04.87) W. Rohrbach,
    Kristallmasse fur CB.
  67. (16.03.87), Protokoll,Mechanikmeeting,Ka.
  68. (04.87) K. Dederichs,
    Drift chambers with slow gas in NA34.
  69. (24.05.87) M. Kunze,
    SIN run, the DAQ system in the test run.
  70. (05.87) W. Schott,
    On-line results of SIN run I (May 87).
  71. (07.01.88) M. Kunze,
    Mathematics and calibration.
  72. (08.01.88) M. Kunze,
    A new approach to kinematics fit.
  73. (15.03.88) C. Amsler,
    Range and Multiple Scattering.
  74. (10.03.88) M. Kunze,
    Triggerprocessors and programme languages.
  75. (05.88) W. Schott,
    The test of the 39 modular CsI prototype (June 87).
  76. (23.03.88) M. Kunze,
    Pile up in the CsI barrel and pile up protection.
  77. (05.88) H. Kalinowsky,
    Proposal for the slow control data acquisition system.
  78. (11.87) C. Felix,
    Der Auschluss des ‘digital oscilloscopes Le Croy 9400’ an einen PC.
  79. (06.87) A. Karle,
    Automatisches Mess-System zur Bestimmung der ortsabhaengigen Lichtausbeute.
  80. (10.87) S. Goller and G. Hollemann,
    Studium der Photonenauslese aus dem CsI Szintillationskristall.
  81. (04.88) A. Sopezak,
    Temperaturabhaengigkeit der Szintillations-Lichtausbeute bei CsI.
  82. (04.88) A. Adlung,
    Monte Carlo Studie zum E-verlust kosmischer Teilchen im CB detektor.
  83. (05.88) H. Koch,
    Status report PSCC.
  84. (06.88) B. Lewendel,
    Calibration with ppbar events.
  85. (05.88) C. Pegel,
  86. (06.88) P. Birien,
    Focusing of the p- beam at 182 MeV/c.
  87. (06.88) P. Birien,
    Magnetic field and Electromagnetic forces in the magnet.
  88. (06.88) M. Kunze,
    Proposal for signal cabling of the barrel.
  89. (06.88) M. Kunze,
    CB trigger software #1,#2.
  90. (06.88) M. Kunze,
    CCAMAC – fast 68020 CAMAC software.
  91. (08.88) M. Kunze,
    Discrimination (on-line) of pi/gamma.
  92. (07.91) F.H. Heinsius,
    Crystal Data-Reconstruction Software V1.43.
  93. (09.88) C.A. Meyer,
    Chamber Reconstruction Software.
  94. (10.88) C. Pegel,
    Influence to the crystal signal from RF of an RFQ.
  95. (10.88) C.A. Meyer,
    Position calibration of JDC.
  96. (11.88) K. Peters,
    The Monte Carlo Programmer’s Guide for CB.
  97. (12.88) W. Schott,
    Results of SC 88 test.
  98. (01.89) I. Augustin,
    pbar p annihilation Channel for ‘big-bang’ event
  99. (01.89) M. Kunze,
    Daisy chaining of FERA crates.
  100. (01.89) M. Kunze, ‘Cebra’ .
  101. (03.89) N. Hessey,
    A Histogram Display Program for CB run monitoring.
  102. ?
  103. (03.89) K. Peters,
    Monte Carlo Programmer’s Guide (GCB 4).
  104. (08.08.89) H. Kalinowsky and R. Landua,
    Crystal Barrel Trigger System.
  105. (09.89) H. Koch,
    PSCC – Status Report .
  106. (10.89) M. Kunze, The PS 197 Electronic Run Book.
  107. (10.89) M. Kunze, CB Macintosh based run control.
  108. (10.89) K. Braune, Glueball & hybrid spectroscopy.
  109. (10.89) W. Schott,
    Das CsI kalorimeter des Crystal Barrel Detectors.
  110. (30.11.89) K. Braune,
    The Crystal Barrel Experiment: present performance – future physics.
  111. (02.12.89) M. Kunze, Data Compilation for the November Run.
  112. (09.01.90) M. Burchell,
    Run History for November and December 1989 .
  113. (09.01.90) M. Kunze, A Data Compilation for the December Run.
  114. (02.02.90) M. Burchell, Crystal ADC stability.
  115. (08.02.90) L. Montanet, A proposal for calibration (of the barrel).
  116. (14.02.90) P. Illinger, A very fast cluster multiplicity processor.
  117. (16.02.90) M. Kunze, A data compilation for CB’s 1989 experiments.
  118. (31.10.90) M. Burchell,
    Global Tracking Particle Bank Structure.
  119. (05.03.90) C. Amsler, Physics with the barrel .
  120. (28.02.90) K. Peters, Fitting 2D Dalitz plots with the CBPWA program: vers. 1.00.
  121. (28.07.93) G. Folger, Offline reconstruction software, V1.22/04.
  122. (01.08.91) F.H. Heinsius,
    Calibration constants database software V2.01.
  123. (25.11.91) C.A. Meyer,
    User Guide For Locater V1.50.
  124. (02.11.90) C.A. Meyer,
    Z calibration of the JDC V1.02/00.
  125. (05.06.90) H. Matthay, Some remarks on a hardware cluster processor for the CB experiment.
  126. (25.05.90) C. Zupancic, Sensitivity of energy calibration to “dipole deformations” and a possible cure.
  127. (11.07.90) C. Amsler, Meson formation in proton-antiproton annihilation at LEAR.
  128. (11.07.90) C. Amsler, Meson production with a p-p minicollider.
  129. (11.07.90) C. Amsler, Meson spectroscopy with the CB.
  130. (11.07.90) R. Bossingham, Jet drift chamber hardware.
  131. (09.02.91) M. Burchell, Run History for June and July 1990.
  132. (25.07.90) C. Zupancic, Pile-up in CB.
  133. (24.06.92) P. Schmidt,
    pi0 reconstruction and optional fitting software (PI0FND) V2.0.
  134. (23.08.90) C. Zupancic, “Background” in pp-> 3pi0.
  135. (23.08.90) L. Godber and M. Zabiego, CsI calibration in-situ at low energy with the Panofsky line.
  136. (23.08.90) L. Godber and M. Zabiego, CsI calibration in-situ at low energy with the channel ppbar->pi0 eta->4 gamma.
  137. (05.09.90) C. Strassburger, Particle identification with the JDC.
  138. (16.09.93) P. Hidas,
    Kinematic Fitting Software V2.14/00.
  139. (15.10.90) M. Burchell, Run Coodinator’s Report for September to October 1990.
  140. (22.10.90) M. Burchell, Run History, September to October 1990.
  141. (24.10.90) C. Zupancic, Second-order Interference in ppbar->3pi0.
  142. (25.01.93) K. Peters, JDC on-line monitoring facility.
  143. (15.11.90)C.A. Meyer,
    r/phi and dE/dx calibration of the JDC: JDC Calibration V1.02/00.
  144. (05.01.91) C.A. Meyer,
    Run Record for December 1990.
  145. (12.02.91) M. Burchell, Run History for November 1990.
  146. (08.01.91) M. Burchell, Run History for December 1990.
  147. (14.01.91) B. Barnett, Run coordinator’s report, November 1990.
  148. (04.02.91) M. Burchell, Alignment of JDC and Barrel.
  149. (05.03.91) C. Amsler, ppbar->pi0 omega, omega->pi0 gamma.
  150. (05.03.91) K. Braune, The electromagnetic calorimeter of
    the Crystal Barrel detector
  151. (02.09.91) C. Zupancic, 4 Pion decay of an Unstable Pseudoscalar Particle.
  152. (16.04.91) C. Amsler, Angular distributions in ppbar ->b10 pi0
    b10->w pi0, w->pi0 gamma
  153. (30.04.91) C. Amsler, Spin simulation program SPIN.
  154. (13.05.91) M. Burchell, Run History for April/May 1991.
  155. (13.05.91) M. Faessler, Letter to CB Collaboration.
  156. (13.05.91) E. Klempt, et al.,
    Branching ratios for pp- annihilation into two neutral mesons in all-neutral states.
  157. (27.05.91) K. Peters, Mass dependencies in PHYSAC 2.0.
  158. (28.05.91) M. Burchell, Run History for May 1991.
  159. (27.05.91) K. Peters, Summary of results of the analysis
    pp 3 at rest with the Crystal Barrel detector
  160. (27.05.91) F.H. Heinsius and B. Kammle,
    On the determination of branching ratios.
  161. (26.06.91) N. Hessey, Photon energy correction factors,
    derived from response means
  162. (01.07.91) M. Doser, Run Coodinators report for June 1991.
  163. (04.07.91) G. Pinter, Vertex Fit.
  164. (04.07.91) K. Peters, In flight ppbar annihilations with 200
    MeV/c antiprotons in LH2
  165. (15.07.91) C. Amsler, Initial state in ppbar->pi0 omega,eta omg.
  166. (20.07.91) M. Kunze, C-Bo-OFF offline analysis for C programmers.
  167. (12.08.91) M. Burchell, Run History for June 1991.
  168. (11.09.91) P. Hidas, Study of 10 gamma final states.
  169. (28.02.92) R. Bossingham,
    Monte Carlo Software CBGEANT V4.06/03.
  170. (17.09.91) M. Faessler, Recalibration of magnetic field.
  171. (17.09.91) M. Burchell, Run History for August 1991.
  172. (22.09.91) H.P. Dietz, Technical Report: Klong Kshort pi0 Paper.
  173. (25.09.91) C. Amsler, et al. “Spectator” and “non-spectator” neutrons
    in the Reaction pbar d->3pi0 n for Stopped Antiprotons
  174. (27.09.91) M. Englert, Technical Report: Radiative decay of protonium.
  175. (28.09.91) M. Englert, Radiative antiproton-proton annihilations
    at Rest into gamma X with X = gamma,pi0, eta and omega
  176. (28.10.91) A. Noble, Run Coordinators Report for August 1991.
  177. (06.11.91) M. Suffert, Silicon photodiode readout of scintillators
    and associated electronics.
  178. (07.11.91) M. Burchell, Some results on meson spectroscopy
    with the Crystal Barrel
  179. (13.11.91) M. Faessler, Contribution to the discussion on the
    future of Crystal Barrel
  180. (20.11.91) M. Burchell, Run History for October 1991.
  181. (10.12.91) W. Dunnweber, et al., Performance of silicon trigger counters
    in the megarad range
  182. (13.12.91) J. Salk, SMART – split-off recognition in pure neutral Events.
  183. (09.01.92) N. Ehrenhofer,
    Monte Carlo Study of the Angular and Energy Resolution of the Crystal Barrel
  184. (03.03.92) M. Suffert,
    CsI Module and Associated Electronics of the Crystal Barrel EM Calorimeter.
  185. (06.02.92) M. Burchell,
    Analysis Writeup on BR(ppbar->pi+pi-), BR(ppbar->K+K-) (at rest in LH2).
  186. (01.92) B. Barnett, A Proposal for the Upgrade to the CB Vax.
  187. (03.02.92) K. Kobel, Run History for December 1991.
  188. (21.01.92) C. Strassburger, Event-Generator for pbar d annihilations.
  189. (02.02.92) I. Augustin, Rarita-Schwinger Formalism (Zupancic Lec).
  190. (29.02.92) I. Augustin, Report on the Analysis of antiproton proton –>
    pi-zero eta eta
  191. (09.07.92) C.A. Meyer,
    User Guide for CBDROP, A Charged Splitoff Supression Package.
  192. ?
  193. (28.02.92) M. Kunze, Run Coodinators Report from December 1991.
  194. (05.05.92) C. Amsler, Likelihood Fitting.
  195. (08.05.92) K. Koenigsmann, Fits to Unbinned Data.
  196. (25.05.92) N. Hessey, Calculating Branching Ratios.
  197. (24.09.92) C.A. Meyer,
    Analysis of ppbar->pi+pi-3pi0 in the pi+pi-6gamma Final State
    Part 1: omega2pi0,eta2pi0,etapi+pi-
  198. (08.07.92) N. Hessey, DSTprime Production: User Guide.
  199. (28.08.92) N. Hessey, Splitoff Recognition with Dolby-C.
  200. (31.07.92) M. Burchell, JDC Momentum Resolution Using a Simple Model to Generate Hits.
  201. (31.07.92) M. Burchell, Hadronic Splitoffs.
  202. (07.92) K. Peters and N. Winter, Run Coordinators report for July 1992.
  203. (30.06.92) F. Heinsius, et al., Data Quality Checks and 2/4 Prong DST.
  204. (12.08.92) C. Zupancic, On the spatial resolution of the JDC.
  205. ?
  206. ?
  207. (20.09.92) M. Kobel, Run History for July 1992.
  208. (12.10.92) N. Winter, Technical Report: Analysis of 2 pi-zero eta.
  209. (25.06.92) S. Chung, E. Klempt and C. Zupancic,
    Helicity-coupling Amplitudes in Tensor Formalism.
  210. (25.06.92) S. Chung and E. Klempt, ppbar annihilations in flight to three
  211. (04.89) S. Chung, Formulas for Partial-Wave Analysis.
  212. (04.11.92) B. Barnett, Comments on the Alignment of the CB PWC.
  213. (23.10.92) J. Ludemann and K. Peters,
    Proposal for the in flight Analysis of Three Pseudoscalars, Part I.
  214. (23.10.92) P. Illinger, How to judge the goodness of a multivariate fit.
  215. (14.10.92) T. Degener, Electromagnetic split-off recognition
    with Artificial Neural Networks
  216. (09.09.92) J. Salk, Split-off recognition with SMART and
    Dolby-C (Performance Study)
  217. (01.93) K. Braune, ?.
  218. (02.93) K. Braune, Final States with strangeness from
    Crystal Barrel and Asterix
  219. (03.93) B. Barnett, An Overview of the Upgraded CB DAQ System.
  220. (03.93) B. Barnett, DAQ Status Report: A Technical Overview.
  221. (03.93) C.A. Meyer,
    The analysis of pbarp -> pi+pi-3pi0 in the pi+pi-6gamma final state (Part 2).
  222. (03.93) S. Dombrowski Proton-Antiproton-Annihilation at rest
    into omegapi0pi0
  223. (04.93) C. Amsler, Eta pi+ pi- pi0 pi0 in the isobar model.
  224. (04.93) J. Brose, Amplitudes for Partial-Wave Analysis of
    Three Pseudoscalar Mesons
  225. (04.93) E. Schaefer and E. Klempt, Pontecorvo Reactions in Antiproton-
    Deuterium Annihilations at Rest: pbarD -> pi0 n, eta n, omega n, and eta’ n
  226. (04.93) S. Spanier and R. Hackmann, Dalitz-plot Boundaries, Draft 1.03.
  227. (04.93) S. Spanier, Parametrization of the pipi, I=0 s-wave.
  228. (04.93) C. Strassburger and E. Klempt, Technical Report:
    pi+ pi- pi0 and pi- pi0 pi0
  229. (04.93) S. Ravndal, Technical Report:analysis of pbarp
    annihilation into omega eta pi0 at rest
  230. (05.93) C. Amsler, How much ssbar is in the proton?.
  231. (06.93) F.H. Heinsius, Technical Report:Eta Decays into 3 Pions.
  232. (07.93) D. Armstrong and F. Ould-Saada, Run Coordinators Report for
    April and May, 1993
  233. (08.93) D. Armstrong, Run History for April and May, 1993.
  234. (08.93) M. Doser, Proposal for a Vertex Detector for the
    Crystal Barrel Experiment (PS197)
  235. (08.93) S. Spanier, Technical Report: Partial Wave Analysis of ppbar
    Annihilation in pi pi eta at rest
  236. (27.11.93) S. Spanier, Resonance Parameters.
  237. (08.93) J. Brose, Technical Report: 3 pi0 analysis.
  238. (08.93) K. Peters and J. Luedenmann, D-functions and their Relations for
    Integral Spin
  239. (08.93) S. Ravndal, Antiproton-proton annihilation in flight.
  240. (08.93) R. Hackmann, Technical Report: 6 gamma-data production.
  241. (08.93) K. Peters, What can we learn from two neutral pseudoscalars in flight.
  242. (08.93) U. Wiedner, Antiproton-Proton Annihilation into Phi gamma
  243. (10.93) K. Peters, Two-body Reactions of the Type pbar p ->X
    omega with X = pi0, eta, eta’, and omega
  244. (10.93) C. Felix, Maxtool.
  245. (11.93) C. Pinder and C. Voelker, Run Coordinators Report for October
    and November 1993
  246. (01.94) K. Peters,
    Proposal and Schedule for the In-Flight Run in Summer 1994
  247. (01.94) F. Ould-Saada, Search for new gauge boson in the decay of pi0 and eta.
  248. (01.94) D. Bugg, et al., Technical Report: fits to eta pi0 pi0 Data.
  249. (01.94) M. Englert, Technical Report: Radiative Protonium
    Annihilation into gamma Phi
  250. (01.94) N. Hessey, A New Software Trigger for the Crystal Barrel.
  251. (03.94) K. Peters and J. Salk, Analysis of omega omega in omega omega
    pi0 in flight
  252. (03.94) R. Hackmann, Technical Report:
    Observation for an eta eta’ enhancement at threshold in 6 Gamma final states
  253. (03.94) S. Chung, Amplitude Analysis of the pi eta system.
  254. (23.04.94) F. Walter, Technical Report:
    Determination of the Branching Ratios for 1-prong final states in pbar d annihilation
  255. (05.94) J. Brose, Technical Report: High statistics study of 3 pi0.
  256. (10.03.94) M. Kunze, et al., Object-oriented offline analysis for C++ programmers.
  257. (06.94) K. Braune, Scalar Mesons: The naive Quark Model is too naive.
  258. (05.94) A.J. Noble,
    A study of hadronic interactions in CBGEANT FLUKA vs GHEISHA.
  259. (07.94) F.H. Heinsius, Run Report for June 1994.
  260. (07.94) M. Lakata, Documentation of CBAR event display.
  261. (07.94) J. Luedemann, Log Likelihood.
  262. (07.94) C.A. Meyer,
    New Crystall-Barrel results in scalar Meson Sector.
  263. (08.94) O. Cramer,
    KL Interaction in the Crystal Barrel.
  264. (08.94) A.J. Noble,
    The Release of CBGEANT 5.00 (News …).
  265. (08.94). (T.S.) Cooper,
    Technical Report for the Analysis of p-bar-p –> 3pi0 eta at 1.94 GeV/c.
  266. (09.94) A.J. Noble, A survey of the 10 Photon Channel.
  267. (10.94) Holger Stoeck,
    Pattern Recognition by the Fuzzy Radon Transform.
  268. (11.94) R. Hackmann and Ch. Strassburger,
    Run Report November 1994.
  269. (01.95) U. Thoma,
    Technical Report: pbar D goes to pizero pizero neutron, pizero eta neutron
  270. (01.95) M. Mizuno Wiedner and U. Samtleben, Investigation of the dE/dx behavior of cosmics in the Crystal Barrel jet drift chamber.
  271. (01.95) A. R. Cooper and D. V. Bugg, Technical
    report: Fitting proton antiproton to eta pi0 pi0 pi0 data at 1200 MeV/c
  272. (01.95) D.V. Bugg, Formulae used to fit antiproton proton goes
    to and eta and three pi zeroes in flight
  273. (02.95) R. Hackmann,
    Technical Report of the pi0 eta eta Analysis.
  274. (03.95) S. Spanier,
    Coupled channel analysis of the antiproton proton annihilation into
    pi0 pi0 pi0, pi0 pi0 eta and pi0 eta eta at rest and pi pi scattering data
  275. (04.95)H. Stoeck,
    Crystal Barrel in collider mode: Simulation of charged final states.
  276. (05.95) M. Benayoun, N. Djaoshvili, J. Kisel, R. Landua, L. Montanet and
    R. Ouared, Fast Pattern Recognition with JDC data Based on Fuzzy-Radon
    Transform Properties
  277. (05.95) David Urner, Ph.D. Thesis,
    Search for the E/iota Decay to eta pi pi in Proton-Antiproton Annihilation at Rest.
  278. (04.95) S. Resag,
    Technical report of the 10 photon final state and the 5 pi-zero final state partial wave analysis.
  279. (05.95) I. Scott, D.V. Bugg and C. Pinder, Fitting p-bar-p goes to 5 pi-zero data at rest.
  280. (06.95) M. Benayoun, N. Djaoshvili, P. Hidas, J. Kisiel,
    R. Landua, L. Montanet and R. Ouared, Split-off recognition in
    data with charged tracks. The TAXI logics
  281. <(07.95) Ch. Holtzhaussen,
    Technical Report: p-bar p –> omega omega, omega –> pi0 gamma – Analysis at Rest in LH2.
  282. (08.95)C. Kolo,
    Technical Report: Antiproton-Proton Annihilation at rest into KL K(+-)pi(-+)pi0
  283. (09.95)R. McCrady, C. A. Meyer and C. Voelcker,
    Report on the July-August 1995 Crystal Barrel Run.
    to note 283. P. Kammel, M. Doser and C. A. Meyer,
    Experiments with the new SVX detector: First experience and implications.
  284. (10.95) C.A. Baker, Total Energy Trigger Module.
  285. (10.95) M. Lakata,
    A New Multi-Vertex Fitter and Updated Vertex-Locater Information.
  286. (10.95) J. Luedemann,
    Technical Report: 3 Body Channels in Flight.
  287. (10.95) J. Luedemann,
    Report on the September-October 1995 Crystal Barrel Run.
  288. (12.95) R. Ouared and M. Doser,
    Introduction to SVX in Locater and CBOFF.
  289. (01.96) D.V. Bugg, A.V. Sarantsev and B.S. Zou,
    Coupled Channel Analysis of High Statistics data on 3pi-zero, eta eta pi-zero and eta pi-zero pizero.
  290. (02.96) S.Spanier,
    Report on the November ’95 Crystal Barrel Run with a high pressure gas target
  291. (10.96) Christian Völcker and Stefan Spanier
    Acceptance studies for channels involving charged kaons.
  292. (03.96) M. Lakata,
    CB Technical Report: Measurement of the Radiative Decay of omega goes to eta gamma.
  293. (02.96) C. Pinder, D.V. Bugg and C. Hodd,
    Technical Report: Fitting proton antiproton annihilation to omega omega pi-zero decaying to 8 gammas at rest in LH2.
  294. (03.96) S.v.Dombrowski, Technical Report: KL Kl pi-zero.
  295. (03.96) M. Benayoun, N. Djaoshvili, L. Montanet, R. Ouared, Ch. Voelcker, JDC data errors.
  296. (04.96) Kersten Braune and Christian Felix,
    Technical Report: Antiproton-proton annihilation at rest into Kl Ks Pi0 Pi0.
    Addendumto the technical report.
  297. (04.96) Christoph Strassburger,
    Technical Report: Partial-wave analysis of antiproton deuterium annihilations into pi- pi0 pi0 p-spectator. Evidence for rho-prime production in antiproton deuterium-annihilations.
  298. (07.96) Rod McCrady,
    Using Mathematica to compute helicity amplitudes.
    The Mathematicamacros
    are also available.
  299. (07.96) Curtis A. Meyer, Ulrike Thoma and Christoph Strassburger,
    A first look at combining five-pion data sets:
    π+ππ0π0π0+πππ0π0π0π0π0π0 and π0π0π0π0π0
  300. (07.96) Martin Faessler,
    Lectures from the NATO summer school of July 1995.
  301. (07.96) Nana Djaoshvili and Lucien Montanet,
    Observation of η,η(1295) and η(1410) in proton antiproton annihilations at rest into eta and four charged pions.
  302. (07.96) Karsten Beuchert,
    Analysis of antiproton proton annihilation into 0- omega in flight.
  303. (05.97) Matthias Heinzelmann and Stefan Spanier,
    Analysis of the channel antiproton proton to K+-π-+KL in antiproton annihilations at rest
  304. (08.96) Andreas Ehmanns,
    ρ-ωinterference in p-bar p -> π+πη at rest .
  305. (09.96) Bruce Barnett,
    The New and Updated DAQ Guide.
  306. (09.96) Christian Regenfus,
    The Crystal Barrel Vertex Detector.
  307. (11.96) F.H. Heinsius and M. Benayoun,
    Decay distributions of eta’->pi+pigamma and eta->pi+pipi0 .
  308. (08.96) Claudio Pietra,
    Rare radiative omega decays — omega -> eta gamma, omega -> 3gamma.
  309. (11.96) Stefan Resag,
    Technical Report: Partial wave analysis of the pi0pi0eta’ Dalitz Plot .
  310. (01.97) Stefan Spanier,
    Analysis of the channel pi0pi0eta’ in the 6 gamma final state of antiproton proton annihilation at rest.
  311. (01.97) Oliver Cramer,
    Technical Report: Antiproton-proton Annihilation at Rest into KSKSpi0 and KSKSeta.
  312. (04.97) Kay Hüuttmann,
    Eta-Pi P-Wave in the pipi0 eta Channel of p-bar n Annihilation at Rest.
  313. (04.97) A. Berdoz, C.A. Meyer, W. Röthel and P. Schmidt
    Report on the last Crystal Barrel Runs: October through December 1996.
  314. (06.97) M. Kunze
    Report on the July and August 1994 Crystal Barrel Runs.
  315. (08.97) C. Pinder, D.V.Bugg, D.I.Ryabchikov and A.V. Sarantsev
    Technical Report: Antiproton proton annihilation into ηπ0π0π0 at rest.
  316. (1997) H. Stöck
    Technical Report: Analysis of ηηπ0 at 1.94 GeV/c.
  317. (1997) M. Herz
    Technical Report: Study of antiproton-proton annhilations at rest in liquid and gaseous htdrogen into π0π0η with evidence for an exotic isovector 1-+-wave.
  318. (01.1998) David Bugg, Nana Djaoshvil, Jan Kisiel, Lucien Montanet and Rafik Ouared
    Technical Report: Pseudoscalars decaying into ηππ.
  319. (1997) Rod McCrady
    Branching Fractions for Antiproton-proton annihilation into π+ππ0ω and ωω.
  320. (01.98) Mark Lakata
    Technical Report: ω decays to ηγ, Version II
  321. (01.98) Mark Lakata
    A Comparison of the Berkeley and Zurich ω decays to ηγ Analyses.
  322. (01.98) Holger Stöck
    Technical Report: Analysis of 3 ηat 1.94 GeV/c.
  323. (03.98) Rafik Ouared
    Technical Report: E Decaying into ηππ.
  324. (03.98) Rafik Ouared
    Four Prong Trigger Efficiency as a Function of the Annihilation Channel.
  325. (05.98) Lucien Montanet and Nana Djaoshvili
    Fogginess in Kinematic Fit.
  326. (03.98) David Bugg
    Technical Report: ηηπ0 in Flight.
  327. (05.98) N. Djaoshvili, L. Montanet and C. Zupancic
    Muons in four prong.
  328. (05.98) Matthias Heinzelmann
    Missing momentum of charged particles at 900 MeV/c and resistive wire length scaling.
  329. (06.98) Bingsong Zou
    Technical Report: on analysis of antiproton proton annihilation into ηπ0π0
  330. (06.98) Rafik Ouared
    Pseudoscalars decaying into ηππ and ηππ.
  331. (06.98) David Bugg
    Technical Report: on analysis of antiproton proton annihilation into ηηπ0 at 600 MeV/c to 1350 MeV/c.
  332. (06.98) D. Odoorn and D. V. Bugg
    Study of antiproton-proton annihilation into 4π0 in flight.
  333. (06.98) D. V. Bugg and B.S. Zou
    Antiproton-proton to ηηη from 600 to 1940 MeV/c.
  334. (07.98) R. Ouared
    Crystal Barrel Data and Software .
  335. (08.98) D. V. Bugg
    Normailzation of inflight data.
  336. (10.98) D.V. Bugg and A. Sarantsev.
    Addendum to In-Flight Normalization.
  337. (10.98) D.V. Bugg and A. Sarantsev.
    Antiproton-proton Annihilation to π0π0 in Flight.
  338. (10.98) A. Sarantsev and D.V. Bugg.
    Antiproton-proton Annihilation to ηη and ηη from 600 to 1940 MeV/c.
  339. Reserved. (10.98) D.V. Bugg and and A. Sarantsev.
  340. (11.98) A. Sarantsev and D.V. Bugg.
    Antiproton-proton Annihilation to ηπ0 and ηπ0 from 600 to 1940 MeV/c.
  341. (10.98) I. Uman and O. Kortner
    A New Photon Energy Correction Function and the JDC z-scaling for inflight data.
  342. (12.98) W. Röthel
    Normalization of the Fine Scan Data.
  343. (03.99) H Koch, U. Kurilla, K. Peters and M. Ratajzcak
    Energy Problem in Flight: Solutions and Implications.
  344. (02.99) Burkhard Pick
    pbar p annihilation at rest into two-body final states and branching ratios (LH2) .
  345. (02.99) Burkhard Pick
    pbar p annihilation at rest into two-body final states and branching ratios (GH2).
  346. (03.99) Mark Lakata
    Analysis of antiproton-proton annihilation at rest into KSK+-π-+.
  347. (04.99) Mark Lakata
    JDC Geometrical z distortion in April 1996 Data and Possibly all data after that.
  348. (06.99) Caroline Hodd
    Technical Report: Antiproton-proton annihilation into ωωπ0 at rest.
  349. (05.06) Ismail Uman
    Technical Report

Unnumbered Analysis Notes

  1. (03.95) S.U. Chung and E. Klempt,
    A Primer on K-Matrix Foralism.
  2. (04.95) S.U. Chung, J. Brose, R. Hackmann, E. Klempt, S. Spanier and C. Strassburger,
    Partial Wave analysis in K-matrix formalism.
  3. (03.99) P. Giarritta,
    Helicity amplitudes for final state particles with non-zero spin.

Analysis notes from S.U. Chung.

Run Histories from Crystal Barrel Run Periods

  • CB-Note 111: Data Compilation for November 1989.
  • CB-Note 112: Run History for 1989.
  • CB-Note 113: Data Compilation for December 1989.
  • CB-Note 117: Data Compilation for the 1989 Runs.
  • CB-Note 131: Run History for June-July 1990.
  • CB-Note 139: Run Coordinator’s Report for September-October 1990.
  • CB-Note 140: Run History for September-October 1990.
  • CB-Note 147: Run Coordinator’s Report for November 1990.
  • CB-Note 145: Run History for November 1990.
  • CB-Note 144: Run Coordinator’s Report for December 1990.
  • CB-Note 146: Run History for December 1990.
  • CB-Note 154: Run Coordinator’s Report for April-May 1991.
  • CB-Note 158: Run History for April-May 1991.
  • CB-Note 162: Run Coordinator’s Report for June 1991.
  • CB-Note 167: Run History for June 1991.
  • CB-Note 176: Run Coordinator’s Report for August 1991.
  • CB-Note 171: Run History for August 1991.
  • CB-Note 180: Run History for October 1991.
  • CB-Note 187: Run History for December 1991.
  • CB-Note 202: Run Coordinator’s Report for July 1992.
  • CB-Note 207: Run History for July 1992.
  • CB-Note 232: Run Coordinator’s Report for April-May 1993.
  • CB-Note 233: Run History for April-May 1993.
  • CB-Note 245: Run Coordinator’s Report for October-November 1993.
  • CB-Note 259: Run Coordinator’s Report for June 1994.
  • CB-Note 268: Run Coordinator’s Report for November 1994.
  • CB-Note 283: Run Coordinator’s Report for July/August 1995.
  • CB-Note 287: Run Coordinator’s Report for September/October 1995.
  • CB-Note 290: Run Coordinator’s Report for November 1995.
  • CB-Note 313: Run Coordinator’s Report for October to December 1996.
  • CB-Note 314: Run Coordinator’s Report for July/August 1994.

Software Documentation for Crystal Barrel

  • CB-Note 89: Crystal Barrel Software Trigger.
  • CB-Note 90: CCAMAC – Fast 68020 CAMAC Software.
  • CB-Note 92: BCTRAK – Crystal Reconstruction Software.
  • CB-Note 93: LOCATER – Charged Particle Reconstruction Software.
  • CB-Note 96: CBGEANT – Monte Carlo Programmers Guide.
  • CB-Note 100: CEBRA – C Language Version of ZEBRA.
  • CB-Note 101: COLA – Crystal Online Analysis Program.
  • CB-Note 103: CBGEANT – Monte Carlo Programmers Guide.
  • CB-Note 107: CB Macintosh based run control.
  • CB-Note 118: GTRACK – Global Tracking Software.
  • CB-Note 121: CBOFF – Crystal Barrel Offline Software.
  • CB-Note 122: CCDBCB – Database Software.
  • CB-Note 123: LOCATER – User’s Guide.
  • CB-Note 124: Z Calibration of the JDC.
  • CB-Note 133: PHYSAC – Pi0 Reconstruction Software.
  • CB-Note 138: CBKFIT – Kinematic Fitting Software.
  • CB-Note 143: R-PHI Calibration of the JDC.
  • CB-Note 153: SPIN – Spin Simulation Program.
  • CB-Note 166: C-Bo-OFF – C language Interface to CB Software.
  • CB-Note 169: CBGEANT – Users Guide to Version 4.06/03.
  • CB-Note 182: SMART – Split-off Recognition in all-neutral events.
  • CB-Note 188: P-bar Deuterium Event Generator.
  • CB-Note 191: CBDROP – Charged Split-off Supression Package.
  • CB-Note 199: DOLBY-C – Split-off Recognition in all-neutral events.
  • CB-Note 215: Split-off recognition with Neural Networks.
  • CB-Note 250: Software Trigger for Crystal Barrel.
  • CB-Note 256: C++ Language Interface to the Offline Software.
  • CB-Note 264: CBGEANT – Version 5.00/00.
  • CB-Note 276: Fast Pattern Recognition based on Fuzzy-Radon.
  • CB-Note 280: Split-off recognition in data with charged tracks, the
    TAXI Logics.
  • CB-Note 285: A new Multi-Vertex Fitter and Updated Vertex-Locater Information.
  • CB-Note 288: Introduction to SVX in Locater and CBOFF.
  • CB-Note 291: COPWA — Document In Preparation.
  • Structure of SC_DATA and Slow Control Data Banks